Senin, 25 Maret 2019

A Good Forest for Dying The Tragic Death of a Young Man on the Front Lines of the Environmental Wars Patrick Beach 9780385506175 Books Download in PDF Epub & Kindle AHJ

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ebook A Good Forest for Dying The Tragic Death of a Young Man on the Front Lines of the Environmental Wars Patrick Beach 9780385506175 Books XFG

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  • Early on a September morning in 1998, David “Gypsy” Chain and eight fellow Earth First! activists went into the redwood forests of Scotia, California. Their loosely organized plan to protest the destruction caused by the logging industry almost immediately turned farcically tragic. A. E. Ammons, a logger for Pacific Lumber, confronted the group, threatening them in an obscenity-ridden diatribe if they didn't leave "I'll make sure I got a tree comin' this way!" The group retreated, moving deeper into the wilderness. A short time later, just as they were attempting to confront the logger yet again, Gypsy was dead, crushed to death by a tree Ammons felled.

    A GOOD FOREST FOR DYING traces the long history of bitter clashes between environmental concerns and economic interests in the American West and shows why these tensions came to a head in northern California in the 1990s. It tells the story of how Pacific Lumber, once an environmentally friendly, family-owned business, became part of a conglomerate whose business practices made it a ripe target for environmental activists. But A GOOD FOREST FOR DYING is also the story of Gypsy Chain, a troubled young man raised in a loving family. A social misfit in his small Texas hometown, he died in a faraway forest before he had a chance to come to terms with himself and his family. His mother never lost faith in her sometimes wayward, idealistic son. After his death, and helped by a team of shrewd, leftist lawyers, she mounted a fight for justice in the name of her son and the cause of saving the redwoods.

    A balanced, highly readable examination of complex, emotionally charged issues, A GOOD FOREST FOR DYING will appeal to a wide audience. Its insights into the inner workings of the radical environmental movement and its dissection of corporate greed and misdeeds are reminiscent of such provocative exposés as A Civil Action and Erin Brockovich. The story of Gypsy’s strange odyssey and the disturbing circumstances of his death–seen primarily through the eyes of his mother–is as powerful and as moving as Jon Krakauer’s classic Into the Wild.

    Patrick Beach,A Good Forest for Dying The Tragic Death of a Young Man on the Front Lines of the Environmental Wars,Doubleday,0385506171,Cultural Heritage,Environmental science;Biography.,Environmentalists;Texas;Biography.,Radicals;Texas;Biography.,BIOGRAPHY AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Cultural, Ethnic Regional / General,Biography,Biography Autobiography,Biography / Autobiography,Biography/Autobiography,Chain, David,,ECOLOGICAL POLITICS,Environmentalists,GENERAL,General Adult,Law / Environmental,Naturalists, Gardeners, Environmentalists,Non-Fiction,Political,Radicals,Texas,United States,d. 1998

    A Good Forest for Dying The Tragic Death of a Young Man on the Front Lines of the Environmental Wars Patrick Beach 9780385506175 Books Reviews :

    Early on a September morning in 1998, David “Gypsy” Chain and eight fellow Earth First! activists went into the redwood forests of Scotia, California. Their loosely organized plan to protest the destruction caused by the logging industry almost immediately turned farcically tragic. A. E. Ammons, a logger for Pacific Lumber, confronted the group, threatening them in an obscenity-ridden diatribe if they didn't leave "I'll make sure I got a tree comin' this way!" The group retreated, moving deeper into the wilderness. A short time later, just as they were attempting to confront the logger yet again, Gypsy was dead, crushed to death by a tree Ammons felled.

    A GOOD FOREST FOR DYING traces the long history of bitter clashes between environmental concerns and economic interests in the American West and shows why these tensions came to a head in northern California in the 1990s. It tells the story of how Pacific Lumber, once an environmentally friendly, family-owned business, became part of a conglomerate whose business practices made it a ripe target for environmental activists. But A GOOD FOREST FOR DYING is also the story of Gypsy Chain, a troubled young man raised in a loving family. A social misfit in his small Texas hometown, he died in a faraway forest before he had a chance to come to terms with himself and his family. His mother never lost faith in her sometimes wayward, idealistic son. After his death, and helped by a team of shrewd, leftist lawyers, she mounted a fight for justice in the name of her son and the cause of saving the redwoods.

    A balanced, highly readable examination of complex, emotionally charged issues, A GOOD FOREST FOR DYING will appeal to a wide audience. Its insights into the inner workings of the radical environmental movement and its dissection of corporate greed and misdeeds are reminiscent of such provocative exposés as A Civil Action and Erin Brockovich. The story of Gypsy’s strange odyssey and the disturbing circumstances of his death–seen primarily through the eyes of his mother–is as powerful and as moving as Jon Krakauer’s classic Into the Wild.

    Patrick Beach,A Good Forest for Dying The Tragic Death of a Young Man on the Front Lines of the Environmental Wars,Doubleday,0385506171,Cultural Heritage,Environmental science;Biography.,Environmentalists;Texas;Biography.,Radicals;Texas;Biography.,BIOGRAPHY AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Cultural, Ethnic Regional / General,Biography,Biography Autobiography,Biography / Autobiography,Biography/Autobiography,Chain, David,,ECOLOGICAL POLITICS,Environmentalists,GENERAL,General Adult,Law / Environmental,Naturalists, Gardeners, Environmentalists,Non-Fiction,Political,Radicals,Texas,United States,d. 1998

    A Good Forest for Dying The Tragic Death of a Young Man on the Front Lines of the Environmental Wars [Patrick Beach] on . Early on a September morning in 1998, David “Gypsy” Chain and eight fellow Earth First! activists went into the redwood forests of Scotia


    Product details

    • Hardcover 288 pages
    • Publisher Doubleday; First Edition edition (April 6, 2004)
    • Language English
    • ISBN-10 0385506171
    "" [Review ]

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